6 Ways to Be Minimalist

Hello everyone! I’m back! After blogging for 15 days straight at the beginning of July and then having my birthday, I needed a little bit of a break from blogging. Let me tell you: it was hard writing a new post for that many days in a row on top of all the other stuff going on in life! But I’m happy to say I’ll be back to my regular posting schedule now, so that’s Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays.

Alright, onto the post! I’m always trying to think of new ways to be more minimalist and simplistic in my life. This not only includes physical clutter, but mental and emotional as well. For me, living minimalist isn’t only about owning less stuff, but not letting your stuff control your life. If you find yourself spending your weekends “organizing” your stuff or cleaning your stuff or even buying more stuff, read these six quick ways to make your life a little more minimalist.


  1. Make yourself a digital filing system. Do people really still have filing cabinets stuffed with old receipts and bills? Instead of holding onto all this paper clutter, scan important documents into your computer and file them away in organized and easy-to-navigate digital folders. As soon as you get new paperwork, scan it and get rid of it. And if you need tips on sorting your files, check out my digital declutter post!
  2. Designate “no spend” days. It may seem difficult to do, but if you set a goal not to spend any money on a specific day, you won’t come home with two shopping bags of unwanted clutter. It’s easy to go to the store for toothpaste and come out with a lamp, new sheets, two pairs of shoes and half the makeup aisle. This will not only help cut the clutter and impulse buys, but also help your budget.
  3. Simplify your food. Maybe this is weird and only something I do, but I always buy food or ingredients with the intention of making it for a meal one day, and never do. So I have a bunch of random stuff sitting half-used in the fridge or pantry, and it’s a ton of extra clutter in the kitchen. Remedy this by simplifying meals to use staple ingredients, or buy smaller portions you know will be used up with one meal.
  4. Follow the “one for one” rule. This is by far the most effective way to keep your closet from becoming over-stuffed. If you buy a new pair of sandals, get rid of an old pair. A new shirt? Donate one you don’t wear anymore. This will ensure you don’t continue to accumulate new stuff.
  5. Don’t multi-task. Remember how I said minimalist can also be mental? Here’s where that comes into play. Don’t overcrowd your mind with too many tasks at once. Make yourself a to-do list, and concentrate on one task at a time. And do it with no distractions: no phone, no TV, no making dinner at the same time. And give yourself a ten minute break for every hour of solid work. You might be surprised at how productive you’ll be.
  6. Identify your problem areas. What kind of stuff can you not resist buying all the time? For me it’s stationery and candles. If you know ahead of time that you’re prone to buying certain types of clutter, you can avoid even looking at them when you’re shopping. Don’t go to the candle store at the mall, avoid the candle aisle like the plague. A little self-control can go a long way!


PS- If you guys liked this post, let me know, because this is a topic I’d love to write more in-depth posts about! So let me know if you’d like to see more!




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15 thoughts on “6 Ways to Be Minimalist

  1. Six months ago we sold everything we had (after years of accumulation–we are in our 50s and our children are grown) and moved into an RV to work and travel around the US. We live richly on so little and do not miss our ‘things’ at all. We are now working on reducing our carbon footprint–using less electricity, water, recycle everything we can, etc. I love being minimalist, even though it was at first an honest challenge to give up everything we worked all of our lives to obtain. We are back to simplicity and wish we had done it when we were much younger. Great post! Dawn

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That sounds amazing! What a journey. While I certainly don’t think I’m ready for such a massive undertaking, I do love the small ways I can become more minimalist. I would love to travel around the US in an RV though! Thanks for reading and for your wonderful comment!

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  2. Just found your blog and absolutely love it!! You write about topics others and I are very much into so I will continue to read your posts❤️
    If you have any spare time I would really appreciate any feedback you are able to give on my blog❤️

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    1. I’m so glad you found my blog and you’re enjoying it! I always love to hear feedback, so I’m glad that you let me know you enjoy the topics I write about. I’ll certainly head over to check out your blog 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I recently just found a so-called 30-day minimalism challenge on Pinterest, it gives you a task to do everyday and live a minimalistic lifestyle xx So far it’s fun and it feels great!

    Liked by 2 people

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