Overnight Oats: 3 Ways

Overnight oats are basically taking over breakfast, and for good reason! They’re so easy to make, you literally just dump the ingredients in a jar and leave in sit overnight. There’s no cooking involved, and you have a delicious and healthy breakfast ready to go in the morning! Plus it’s portable enough to take to work or school.

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Overnight oats are probably my favorite make ahead-breakfast because they’re so filling without being too heavy. They’re good for summer mornings when you don’t want to eat something hot. And the combinations are endless! You can even make them taste more like a dessert than a breakfast!

For basic overnight oats you will need:

  • Mason jar
  • Milk (I like to use coconut or almond milk)
  • Oats
  • Sugar/honey (optional, for sweetness)


And it’s literally as easy as dumping the ingredients in the jar, shaking it up, and leaving in the fridge overnight. In the morning you’ll have soft and creamy oats that are nice and refreshing. No heat necessary!

As promised, here are three of my favorite flavor combinations! Try these or invent your own.

Coconut Berry: Use coconut milk for the base and make the basic oats recipe. In the morning before serving, add some shaved coconut and berries of your choice! I like all berries, but today I added blueberries and blackberries.

Peanut Butter and Banana: A classic combination! For this one, you’ll want to whisk the peanut butter with the milk until it’s nice and thin before you shake with the oats. Otherwise you’ll end up with one cold chunk of peanut butter in the middle of your oats. Add sliced bananas on top before serving!

Cinnamon, Apple and Brown Sugar: Another classic combo. Add cinnamon and brown sugar (to taste) to the jar before chilling the oats. I also find that almond milk gives this one extra delicious flavor. Add chopped apples before chilling overnight and they’ll soften up by morning!

And that’s all there is to it. Super easy right? Let me know if you decide to give these a try, or if you’re already a fan of overnight oats. Thanks for reading!




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