10 Cozy Things to Do on Rainy Days

Good morning! Today I woke up to another overcast morning with a promise of rain on the forecast, once again. It’s been raining every single day for the past two weeks. Which is really bizarre and unnatural for Florida. Usually we’ll get the occasional afternoon sun-shower during the summer, but nothing like this. The sun has hardly come out at all!

On rainy days, all I want to do is lay in bed and avoid all my responsibilities. When it’s dark inside the house it just makes me sleepy! But sometimes you need something else to do besides lay in bed all day, so here are 10 cozy things you can do on a rainy day!


1. Drink a cup of tea. There are few things cozier than a warm cup of green or chamomile tea! Make your favorite kind in a nice big mug and enjoy the warmth.


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2. Wear Pajamas. You’ll be so much cozier if you’re wearing comfy clothes, and there’s nothing comfier than your favorite pajamas. Bonus points for some fuzzy socks or slippers!


3. Pamper yourself. Take a nice warm bubble bath, give yourself a pedicure, or do a face mask! You’ll feel extra cozy being clean and smelling nice before slipping into those pajamas. And we could all use a little more self-care!


4. Bake something. Rainy days are perfect for baking, because you’re won’t really be leaving the house! So you have plenty of time to bake up some marvelous and tasty treats. Try these coconut macaroon brownies or my favorite easy banana bread! It gives you something to do and you end up with a delicious dessert.




5. Journal. I love cuddling up in my bed and working on my bullet journal! It’s a great way to be creative when there’s not much else to do. Even if you don’t have a bullet journal, you can always do a more traditional journal and just write about your day or whatever you want! It’s very therapeutic to put your thoughts on paper.


6. Cuddle session in bed. Whether it’s with your pet, your sibling or your significant other, this is the absolute best thing to do on a rainy day! Make it interesting by binging on Netflix or eating breakfast/lunch/dinner in bed!


7. Light candles. I love my candles on any day, but especially when it’s dark and rainy outside! A candle gives the perfect amount of ambient light for a cozy day inside and adds warmth and yummy scents to the space. Light all the candles, the more the merrier!


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8. Get away from the screens. Spend some time away from the technology. It can be really difficult to not reach for your phone or turn on the TV the second you sit down to relax, but try your best, at least for a little while. Instead, flip through a magazine or read a book and listen to the rain sounds.




9. Eat something cozy. Like a nice warm soup or the cheesiest macaroni and cheese ever. You can almost never go wrong with some comfort food. PS: It doesn’t all have to be unhealthy, but no judgement if it is 😉


10. Set the mood with music. If you’re reading or relaxing, you’ll probably want some music to listen to in the background! For me, I love some indie folk music because it’s so relaxing! I’ve even made a chill day playlist that would be perfect for a rainy day.




What cozy things do you like to do when you’re spending a rainy night at home?




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17 thoughts on “10 Cozy Things to Do on Rainy Days

  1. I love this list! Here in Ireland it rains non-stop but is so hot ,it’s nice to have ideas on what to do (even better when it can be made into a relaxing day! 😂) Definetly pajamas and candles! On a rainy day I will read a good book (as on a sunny day I will usually try not to and go outside so no excuse on a rainy day! 😂) great post! 💗

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Fantastic post! I like it so much! 🙂 In Poland we have now sunny and warm days but in the evenings it sometimes rains so your advice what to do during the rain are helpful, haha.
    Have a nice evening! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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